EDIX Blocks
AI-Powered Demand
Forecasting For Better
Planning and Decision-making
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Better predictions through internal & external data fusion
Explainable demand & sales forecasts for clarity and confidence
Accurate segmentation of locations, products, and more to improve forecasts
Robust forecast countering errors for continuous availability
Estimation of uncertainty intervals to improve the reliability of decisions
Tailored forecasting models for different business processes
Tailored forecasting resolutions (e.g., hourly) for different tasks
Real-time adjustments of forecasts based on changes and trends
Increase in Demand Forecasting Accuracy
Enhance demand forecasting accuracy with high resolution (e.g., hourly) across countries, regions, stores, products, SKUs, and more.
Make better decisions across your supply chain, inventory, staffing, and other functions with forecasts customized for each business process.
Eliminate over- and under-forecasting due to bias and intuition through standardized forecasts, ensuring consistent and cohesive planning for all.
Anticipate potential fluctuations and disruptions with forecasts that account for uncertainty, ensuring effective risk mitigation.